Monday, January 16, 2006

It's About Time, Huh?

I keep thinking I will get to this blog...I would like to make it a daily thing, but somehow, I'm not getting there. Hmmm....guess I'll have to think on how I can change that!

Today is MLK Day, and I was off. Hallelujah! I had a rather laid back, relaxing morning, which is how I like to spend my days off. I could definitely get used to this! Then this afternoon was a mix of doing a few things here & there, catching up on my personal e-mail, and posting on the SHE board. Then a trip to Wally World & Dollar General, supper, and back to my computer. I've gotten some things done and some things started, so it's been a fairly relaxing, yet productive day. I'm glad I decided against going to church tonight...I would have liked to have gone to the revival in Bath, but the rest of the week is kinda nuts, so I figured I'd better stay home tonight. And it felt great not to play beat the clock to go anywhere!

Tomorrow night I have LNO with a few friends. That should be fun! We had a good time the last time...good chatting and sharing and supporting new & old friends.

Wednesday night is church, and praise team practice is Thursday night. Friday is Mama's birthday, so I need to do something in that regards. I have a few things to give her. I think I might order a big cookie from Food Lion like I did last year for her birthday, since I'm not sure where I can fit in baking a cake.

I think I will probably post a couple things from the lessons I've done lately. Guess I may as well post them here, too. One is on brokenness, and the other is about escaping anger.

OH! My big news this week is that I got an assignment for two articles for the ADULT Sunday School curriculum. I've been writing for the Young Adult area for a couple of years, and this is a different editor that contacted me. I was pretty excited about that! I sent off the postcard, accepting it, and I've asked for a day off next month to do the articles (well in advance, I might add.) Thank God for another new door of opportunity to "write His answer."

Church has been awesome the last few weeks. Pastor Brent is teaching/preaching about the tabernacle and how it relates to prayer. The Spirit of God has been moving in an awesome way! WOW I love it when God shows up!

We also took in 23(!!!) members last week. Glory to God! (That increases our size by about a third!!!) God is definitely up to something. :-)

I think I will spend a few minutes in prayer before my bath, then I need to get my bath and get to bed before it gets insanely late. I would love to get up early enough to pray without rushing as well as get to work without rushing.


Blogger Carolyn said...

So you don't want to know what's going on in my life? LOL I had two weeks to catch up on! *S*

7:44 PM  

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