Friday, October 28, 2005

Tonight's the night

I've been really tired this week, so my husband asked me to try to rest tonight, so I thought maybe something restful I could do was to write something for my blog. I still haven't gotten into the daily posting thing yet. Yeah, yeah, I know...maybe I'll get there eventually!

This has been a busy month, though not as whirlwind as last month, thank the Lord. This week has been pretty busy, too...

Monday was my birthday. *Yeah* I'm now 47 years old. *Woo Hoo* My birthday philosophy is "As long as I'm on the right side of the grass, I have something to celebrate!" I don't "get" people who lie about their age or get depressed about birthdays. I'm not ashamed of my age, and growing older doesn't really bother me too much at this point.

Although...I went to a concert last Friday night to help John & WAGO out at their table. The concert featured The Hoppers & Dr. David Jeremiah. I really enjoyed The Hoppers. They did "Jerusalem," which Mended Vessels sang when we were together, so that was fun to hear them do. I did shed a few tears in the course of the evening, but that's OK. Kim Hopper also did an awesome job on a song from a solo project she did. The song is "Peace in the Midst of the Storm." I bought her tape and have ordered the soundtrack, too. I have been enjoying that song all week! But I digress...age story...The Hoppers were showing a logo about that it was their Heritage tour, celebrating 48 years of ministering together. Then the older man said, "We started in 1957," and I thought, "Crap! I was born in 1958! That sounds really old that way!" LOL

The only year I ever got depressed was my 29th birthday. I got depressed because I knew I'd be 30 the next year. Weird...

Dr. David Jeremiah's ministry was also very good. He preached about the Prodigal Son. It kinda blew me away because several of the things he brought out were things I had taught on a few weeks ago when I taught SS on the Prodigal Son. (Luke 15) It was kinda neat though. John said it just shows I'm a good teacher. *S* (Brownie points for John!)

I had a very nice birthday. My church family gave me cards, and I opened them on the morning of my birthday. (Note to self: I need to start giving cards to folks in the church. I am lax about this...though I do make sure everyone else has the information through the bulletin so they can do this!) One of the drug reps stopped by & brought me a card, which was unexpected & sweet. He is 29, I think (about the age of my older son!) and he's one of them I keep up with. He's a really nice guy. Another of the reps shares the same birthday, but he's older! *S* So I sent him a couple of e-cards. One said, "In the beginning, God created the heavens & the earth. So tell was it??" I couldn't resist sending that one! LOL Anyhow, another very dear friend sent me a slew of birthday e-cards, so I had fun opening them and feeling special. Ben called & left me a voicemail, singing me "Happy Birthday." The folks at work got me an ice cream cake (chocolate and ice cream - you can't go wrong there!) and a card, so that was nice. For once, I didn't feel like a bump on a pickle, so I was a little more relaxed about being the center of attention for a few minutes. The changes in my job situation the last 6 months have been very positive, and I am very thankful for that. John made me a cake, even though he wasn't feeling well. (He's been dealing with a kidney stone the last couple of weeks but seems to be better the last day or so.) He sent Jenny to the store, and he gave me a $25 gift card for Wal-Mart. Jenny gave me a $30 gift certificate for Goody's. I asked for gift certificates, so I did pretty good, huh? I am a blessed woman!

I didn't hear from Jonathan on my birthday, though I did get a "Happy Birthday" in person (and a hug) the week before. He was home briefly (VERY briefly) during fall break. He chose to spend the rest of his time with other people. I only got to see him about an hour. I was hurt and upset, but all I can do is pray about it. Lord, he is your kid, too, so please take care of him for me!!!

I didn't sleep well Monday night, though, and wound up only getting a few hours sleep. I was really tired on Tuesday, and all I wanted to do all day was rest. I had a hankering for chili that night, and actually wound up making some for supper. After I ate, it was late, almost 9pm. I fell asleep and didn't wake up till 11:30! I got up & got my bath & went back to bed about an hour later. I set the clock for 5am and then turned it off. I didn't wake up till 6:20! Yinkies!

I bought another soundtrack this week, too, that I had ordered last week. "Just One Touch" that Karen Peck does. I've been practicing that the last couple of days, but I think I might need at least another week on that one. Still sounds pretty rough. I haven't been singing as much at church lately, but perhaps I'll ask if I have a new track. I don't like to ask if I can sing, but I'll do it every now & then. I can't wait to get the other one! Though they called today & said I have to call them back Monday because the cassette is no longer available.

Wednesday night, we had church. Pastor preached "like his coattails were on fire" (as my daddy used to say.) The last few services have been awesome! Pastor shared a good word, and I enjoyed that very much. Thursday night, I had praise team practice, so I ran in & out the door again. I got home around 10pm and lay down for a few minutes then and dozed a little. John was a little worried about me tonight because I've been so tired. I really do need to start getting more rest. At least I am aware this is a problem, so perhaps I can work on finding a solution, too!

God has been dealing with me about getting up early to pray. I am trying for 5am but not always making it. 5:30 is probably a little more realistic, but I don't always make that, either. I really enjoy my time with God under my tallit, though, so I want to be sure to make time for some quality time with Him.

I'm studying this week about the Levites and the anointing oil...looks like that is where SS is going this week. It's something I've been wanting to study since Bill was here last month. What I've studied so far is really interesting. I love studying the Word!

This week at work was Pharmacy Week. The secretaries work hard to make the celebration a success, and I think we did a good job this year. (Sally is off till Tuesday, moving into her new house! Good for her!!!) Irene & I work well together, so that's going well. And Cindy was back Wed., so I only had to do billing two days this week! This is SOOO nice - I LOVE IT! Anyhow, we got a bunch of freebie goodies for Pharmacy Week, and that is always fun.

Well, I guess that's about all for now. I think I will go in the bedroom & see if I can tidy up in there a little bit before I get my bath.

Y'all come back now, ya hear? (Comments from the peanut gallery welcome!)



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