Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just so I don't disappoint anyone...

Thought I'd post one more time this month. I know I probably threw you off by posting more than once, but hey, get used to it. *S*

Thanksgiving is over, and now it's time for the Christmas push. I wonder if it is somehow possible to do Christmas without its being all crazy and stressful and nightmarish. That would be so wonderful...and to actually sleep. LOL I almost never get any sleep on Christmas Eve! I am hoping I can do some of my shopping online again this year. When you can, that's the way to go! I wish I could figure out how to do Christmas without all the stress and trying to make everything work. Hmmm...maybe it's NOT my responsibility to make sure everything's wonderful?

Thanksgiving Dinner was less stressful than its been in recent years, and for this, I am thankful. My family was amazed that I actually had dinner on the table before 3pm. Perhaps things are a little better here. *S*

Thanksgiving was nice but it had its moments. Jonathan probably spent all of an hour with us Thanksgiving Day...but I was thankful for that hour. He & I did chat a little on Friday, and hopefully, he heard what I was trying to get across to him. Many prayers are going up regarding this.

Ben & I had some nice chat time on Thursday night...then he listened to me complain & cry on Friday night. He was a good sport.

Jenny's birthday was Friday, and we officially celebrated on Saturday morning. We also had our family portrait made on Friday afternoon. Not the greatest picture in the world, but it's all of us, and we all have eyes. *You had to be there for that one.*

In other thoughts...

I've been fighting a computer virus the last few days, and I was thinking the other morning during my prayer time how this is like a stronghold in our minds. This stupid virus causes pop-ups. Just when you think you've gotten rid of this irritating thing, there it is again, asking you to download a program. You cancel it...and get another pop-up. Then a third just to be sure you really didn't want it. This is just how the enemy operates. If he has an access to our minds, he will send that thought to us repeatedly. We hit "cancel" by speaking the Word, and just when we think we've killed that thing, another thought attacks. We "cancel" that one and go back to work, and there it is again! It's relentless.

The good news is that Symantec has a removal tool...and Christians have the Blood of Jesus. If we will follow the directions and download the proper thing, the tool will remove the virus "just as if" it were never there before. The same happens when we download the right things from the Word into our spirits. The enemy may infect us with a spiritual virus, but if we will use the removal tool at our disposal (known as the Word),then we can preserve all our data for future use (the dream/promise God has given us), and we can walk on as though nothing ever attacked us.

II Corinthians 10:4 says that "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds." (That's from memory, not copied...) If we will fight spiritual warfare with the proper tools, then God's grace will be sufficient and will bring us through the trials of our faith. Don't keep dealing with those annoying spiritual pop-ups...let God bring you through this trial in HIS strength.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missed talking to you the last couple of days. Your description of viruses in the spiritual realm is apt. Let's resolve to have some fun this Christmas season....to relish it in some way and to be childlike at times.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

Maybe I'll put this in the bulletin for Sunday.

Childlike this Christmas, huh? Sounds good to me! Does this mean I should send someone else to do my shopping & wrapping? LOL

Oh dear...this reminds me. I have two articles due Monday which I haven't started yet...and Monday is gonna be crazy. Argh...

5:48 PM  

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