Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Good day...bad day...'s been a good day overall, depending on what you focus on.

Good day...I got a very good score on my eval today. If you know me well, you know that I detest evals at work and equate them with "Here, let me beat you over the head for a while." But the tide has turned at work, and that is no longer the case. I got an excellent evaluation (which means I get a good raise in a year...just got the one from last year's.) But moreso than the $ to me is the fact that someone in authority over me has seen my hard work and actually acknowledged that I make a valuable contribution and that this is appreciated. This is still a somewhat new concept to me, but one for which I am very grateful.

However, as I pulled into the driveway tonight, my car died. Ker-plunk. The engine will not turn over, which is a bad sign. I love my little Escort, and I hope it is fixable without spending a ton of money. So in that aspect, it was a bad day. :-(

Good was excellent...good Word, good fellowship. John & I even rode together.

And last but not least...good day...I won a bid on e-bay for a Lady Dorby top & jacket for less than ten bucks! Woo Hoo!

So I'd say, overall, good day!

Hope yours was too! :-)