Saturday, May 27, 2006


OK, so I haven't written here over three months is definitely time to do something!

We had my aunt's funeral today. Judy & I sang "He Touched Me" at the gravesite service. The service was nice, and I think she would have liked it, though she would have been disappointed that more people didn't come. But as I remarked to my sister today, the people who really loved her did come today.

I regret that I was not more of a part of her life in the last couple of years, but we all have choices that we make and have to live with. Some of them can't be this one can't. And so, you must either come to terms with what has happened or you live in regret. I do not want to live in regret, so I need to come to terms with this. I chose not to participate in her life because of other responsibilities, such as keeping tabs on my mom in the nursing home. I really didn't feel I could add another such responsibility. My aunt was not a happy person and often was difficult; she was in a lot of pain and took a lot of medicine, which I'm sure contributed to her moods. I know I probably did what was right for me, but I'm not sure it was the best thing for her. I know she cared about Judy & me, but it's sad that she didn't trust many people in her life at all. Especially the ones that did care.

Life is short...a vapor, the Bible tells us. Here today & gone tomorrow...looking back at photos makes you realize how quickly time passes. Seeing pictures of my children as seems like just a few days ago..seems impossible they could be grown now.

Life is too short to live in regret. Joyce Meyer says that regret & dread are twin theives - one steals the joy of the past and the other the joy of the future. I choose to live in the now and enjoy what God has given me. What do you choose today?